Lyrics - German
(German folk song)
Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
In unserm Haus herum, dideldum,
Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
In unserm Haus herum.
1. Er rüttelt sich, er schüttelt sich,
Er wirft sein Säckchen hinter sich.
Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
In unserm Haus herum. Refrain
2. Er wirft sein Säcklein her und hin,
Was ist wohl in dem Säcklein drin?
Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
In unserm Haus herum. Refrain
3. Er bringt zur Nacht dem guten Kind
Die Äpfel die im Säcklein sind.
Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
In unserm Haus herum. Refrain
4. Er wirft sein Säcklein hin und her,
Am Morgen ist es wieder leer.
Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
In unserm Haus herum. Refrain
English Translation – A Bi-Ba-Butzemann* is Dancing
A Bi-Ba-Butzemann is dancing
Around our house, dideldum,
A Bi-Ba-Butzemann is dancing
Around our house.
He shakes, he shakes
He throws his sack behind him.
A Bi-Ba-Butzemann is dancing
Around our house. Refrain
He throws his sack here and there,
What do you think is in the sack?
A Bi-Ba-Butzemann is dancing
Around our house. Refrain
He brings the good child to night
The apples that are in the sack.
A Bi-Ba-Butzemann is dancing
Around our house. Refrain
He throws his sack back and forth
In the morning it’s empty again.
A Bi-Ba-Butzemann is dancing
Around our house.
*A Butzemann is a mythical scary figure
Version 1
Formation: Students stand in a circle holding hands. One student (“It”) stands in the outside the circle, holding a towel or handkerchief.
Students sing the refrain while “It” walks in a circle around the outside of the circle. When the verse starts, “It” shakes wildly. Near the end of the verse, “It” drops the towel/handkerchief behind a student. That student must grab it and try to chase “It” around the circle. The new student becomes the next “It.” (source)
Version 2
Same as above, but “It” stays inside the circle. At the end, the student closest to the towel/handkerchief trades places with “It.”
Recorder Notes D, G, A, B, C, D’

See also
- Country: Germany
- Activities: circle singing games
- Form: ABA
- Harmony: I & V chords
- Melody: tonic triad / D,G,A,B,C,D’
- Meter: 4
- Scale: pentachord
- Tones: drmfs
- info about the song
- Song with chords in 2 keys (PDF)
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song