Wishy Washy Wee


(Folk song)

Oh we are two sailors come from o’er the sea,
If you want to go away again, come along with me.

Oh wishy washy, wishy washy, wishy washy wee,
If you want to go away again, come along with me.

Circle Game

  • Version 1 – Formation: Students stand in a circle around 2 students in the middle, who have right arms linked together.
    Verse – Students in the middle do a right-arm swing while students in the circle clap to the beat.
    Refrain – Students in the middle turn to face two students in the outside circle. Students put hands on their hips and do hop-right ankle on the floor, hop-left ankle on the floor to the steady beat. Two new students take their turns inside the circle as the song repeats. (source) (source)
  • Version 2 – Formation: students stand in a circle with one student (“It”) outside of the circle.
    Verse – “It” walks around the outside of the circle while students in the circle clap to the beat (optional).
    Refrain – “It” stands behind a student, that student turns around to face “It.” They both do hop-right ankle on the floor, hop-left ankle on the floor to the steady beat. New person then follows “It” as the song repeats. (source)

Recorder Notes G,A,B,C,D’

See also


or purchase here (printables only)

  • PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the song

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