Captain Jinks

Version 1


(William Horace Lingard, 1868)

1. I’m Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines,
I often live beyond my means,
I sport young ladies in their teens,
To cut a swell in the army.
I teach young ladies how to dance,
How to dance, how to dance,
I teach young ladies how to dance,
For I’m their pet in the army.

Spoken: ha ha ha ha!  Refrain

I’m Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines,
I give my horse good corn and beans,
Of course it’s quite beyond my means,
Though a Captain in the army.

2. I joined my corps when twenty-one,
Of course, I thought it capital fun;
When the enemy came, then off I ran;
I wasn’t cut out for the army.
When I left home, Mama she cried,
Mamma she cried, Mama she cried,
When I left home, Mama she cried,
“He ain’t cut out for the army.”

Spoken: No, she thought I was too young!
But then I said: “Ah Mama…” Refrain

3. The first day I went out to drill,
The bugle sound made me quite ill;
At the balance-step, my hat it fell,
And that won’t do for the army.
The officers they all did shout;
They all cried out, they all did shout;
The officers they all did shout,
“Oh! that’s the curse of the army.”

Spoken: Of course my hat did fall off!
But ah, nevertheless…  Refrain

4. My tailor’s bills came in so fast,
Forced me one day to leave at last;
And ladies too no more did cast
Sheep’s eyes at me in the army.
My creditors at me did shout
At me did shout, at me did shout,
My creditors at me did shout,
“Why, kick him out of the army!”

Spoken: I said: Ah, gentlemen,
Ah, kick me out of the army!
Perhaps you were not aware that…  Refrain

Version 2


1. When Captain Jinks comes home at night
He claps his hands with all his might.
Salute your partner, smile so bright,
For that’s the style in the army.

Join your hands and forward all,
Backward all, backward all,
Join your hands and forward all,
For that’s the style in the army.

2. When Captain Jinks comes home at night,
The gentleman passes to the right.
Swing your partner so polite,
For that’s the style in the army.

Promenade all around the hall,
Around the hall, around the hall,
Promenade all around the hall,
For that’s the style in the army.

Dance / Play Party

Formation – Couples (Partner A & Partner B) stand next to each other in a circle.

Verse 1

  • Measures 1-4 – All clap hands on the dotted quarter note beat.
  • Measures 5-8 – Bow to partner once on measure 5 and again on measure 7.
  • Measures 9-10 – Join hands, walk forward 4 steps (on the dotted quarter note beat).
  • Measures 11-12 – Walk backward 4 steps.
  • Measures 13-16 – Repeat measures 9-12.

Verse 2

  • Measures 1-4 – Partner A crosses in front of partner and takes the partner of Partner A on the right.
  • Measures 5-8 – Partner A swings new partner once around.
  • Measures 9-16 – Promenade new partners counter-clockwise around the circle. Start again.

Repeat the dance from the beginning. To end the song, you can repeat measures 1-8.

or purchase here (printables only)

  • Song (2 versions) with chords (PDF)
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the song

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