Lyrics – Transliteration
(Ukrainian folk song)
Nova radost’ stala, yaka ne buvala,
Nad vertepom zvizda yasna svitom zasiyala. (repeat)
De Chrystos rodyvsya, z Divy voplotyvsya,
Yak cholovik pelenamy uboho povyvsya. (repeat)
Anhely spivayut’, “slava” vosklycayut’,
Na nebesy i na zemly myr provozhlashayut’. (repeat)
English Translation – A new joy has been revealed
A new joy has been revealed,
That never has been before,
Above the manger there’s a bright star
Shining through out the whole world. (repeat)
Where Christ has been born,
From the Virgin incarnate,
As a man swaddled in diapers
He is born a poor man. (repeat)
The shepherds with their lambs
Before that holy child
Falling down upon their knees,
The King and God they praise Him. (repeat)
Ukrainian - Нова радість стала
Нова радість стала,
Яка не бувала,
Над вертепом звізда ясна
У весь світ засіяла. (repeat)
Де Христос родився,
З Діви воплотився,
Як чоловік пеленами
Убого повився. (repeat)
Пастушки з ягнятком
Перед тим дитятком
На колінця припадають,
Царя-Бога вихваляють. (repeat)
See also
- Country: Ukraine
- Subject: Christmas
- Form: AB
- Harmony: chords i, iv, V
- Meter: 3
- Scale: hexatonic
- Tones: l,t,drmf
- info about the song
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody