Lyrics - Italian
(Italian folk song)
Piva piva l’oli d’uliva,
piva piva l’oli d’ulà.
‘L è ‘l Bambin che porta i belé
l’è la mama che spènd i dané.
Piva piva l’oli d’uliva,
gnaca gnaca l’oli che taca.
‘L è ‘l Bambin che porta i belé
l’è la mama che spènd i dané.
Piva piva suna la piva,
piva piva suna ‘l baghèt.
Canta, canta bèla fiùr:
‘l è nasìt ol nòst Signùr
Gh’è gnà fassa, gnà panisèl
per fassà chèl Bambì bèl.
Gh’è gnà fassa, gnà lensöl
per fasà chèl bèl Fiöl.
English Translation – Bagpipe, bagpipe
Bagpipe, bagpipe, olive oil,
peel the olive oil.
The child is bringing the presents
She is the mother who spends the money.
Bagpipe, bagpipe, olive oil,
gnaca gnaca, sticky oil
The child is bringing the presents
She is the mother who spends the money.
Bagpipe, bagpipe, sounds the bagpipe,
Bagpipe, bagpipe, sounds the wind chime (source)
Sing, sing beautifully,
Our Lord is born
There are no swaddling clothes
No swaddling clothes for the beautiful Child.
There are no swaddling clothes
No sheets for the beautiful Child.
See also
- Country: Italy
- Subject: Christmas
- Form: AB
- Harmony: chords I V
- Meter: 3
- Scale: pentachord
- Tones: drmfs
- explanation of lyrics
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody