Commencement Song


(Melody by Alfred Murray, 1911, Lyrics by Mary Sanford Morison)

1. ‘Tis June, the month of roses, of golden sunny hours,
Of liquid bird notes calling, the month of sun and flowers.
And nature’s myriad voices from field and stream repeat
The song our hearts are singing, Commencement Day to greet.

Lift then your voices clear and strong!
Hope gilds the future’s way.
Love lights the past we’ve known so long,
Hail to Commencement Day!

2. Right joyfully we hail thee, O long-expected day!
Yet there’s a thrill of sadness that will not pass away,
For autumn’s golden weather no more for us will tell
The hour of glad returning to scenes we’ve loved so well. Refrain

3. No more the good old friendships, no more the well-known ways,
For us new paths must open, new duties fill our days,
But time can never alter devotion tried and true
And memory will make sweeter the joys that here we knew. Refrain

4. So, classmates, stand together as heartily we raise.
One loyal song at parting in Alma Mater’s praise.
May fortune smile upon her, may men her name enthrone,
And we forever cherish her honor as our own. Refrain

See also

  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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