This is the official song of the state of West Virginia, U.S.
(Melody by Henry Everett Engle, 1885, Lyrics by Ellen Riddell King)
Oh, the West Virginia hills! How majestic and how grand,
With their summits bathed in glory, Like our Prince Immanuel’s Land!
Is it any wonder then, That my heart with rapture thrills,
As I stand once more with loved ones On those West Virginia hills?
Oh, the hills, beautiful hills, How I love those West Virginia hills!
If o’er sea o’er land I roam, Still I’ll think of happy home,
And my friends among the West Virginia hills.
See also
- Country: Southeastern States (US)
- Form: AB
- Harmony: chords I, II, IV, V
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody