Lyrics - German
(German folk tune, Lyrics by Ernst Anschútz, 1824)
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Wie treu sind deine Blätter! (repeat)
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit,
Nein, auch im Winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Wie treu sind deine Blätter!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen! (repeat)
Wie oft hat nicht zur Weihnachtszeit
Ein Baum von dir mich hoch erfreut!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Dein Kleid will mich was lehren: (repeat)
Die Hoffnung und Beständigkeit
Gibt Mut und Kraft zu jeder Zeit!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
Dein Kleid will mich was lehren!
English Translation - O Christmas tree
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How loyal are your leaves/needles! (repeat)
You’re green not only in the summertime,
No, also in winter when it snows.
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
How loyal are your leaves/needles!
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
You can please me very much! (repeat)
How often has not at Christmastime
A tree like you given me such joy!
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree,
You can please me very much!
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
Your dress wants to teach me something: (repeat)
Your hope and durability
Provide comfort and strength at any time.
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree
That’s what your dress should teach me.
English Version
(German folk carol)
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
Your branches green delight us! (repeat)
They’re green when summer days are bright,
They’re green when winter snow is white.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
Your branches green delight us!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
You give us so much pleasure! (repeat)
How oft at Christmas tide the sight,
O green fir tree, gives us delight!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
You give us so much pleasure!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Forever true your color. (repeat)
Your boughs so green in summertime
Stay bravely green in wintertime.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Forever true your color.
See also
- Country: Germany
- Subjects: Christmas / trees
- Form: AABA
- Harmony: Orff arrangements / chords I, ii, IV, V
- Meter: 3
- Rhythm:
- Scale: major
- Songs with the same tune: O brad frumos / O denneboom / Oh kuusepuu / Mon beau sapin / En busschaufför / Iowa State Song / Maryland My Maryland / Michigan My Michigan
- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song