Lyrics - Portuguese
(Folk song from Portugal)
Alegrem-se o céu e a terra
Cantemos com alegria
Já nasceu o Deus menino
Filho da Virgem Maria
Entrai, pastores, entrai
Por este portal sagrado.
Vinde adorar o menino
Numas palhinhas deitado. Refrain
Em belém à meia-noite
Meia-noite de natal
Nasceu Jesus num presépio
Maravilha sem igual. Refrain
Ai que menino tão belo
Ai que tanto graça tem
Ai que tanto se parece
Com a virgem sua mãe. Refrain
English Translation – Rejoice Heaven and Earth
Rejoice heaven and earth
Let’s sing with joy
The son of God was born
Son of the Virgin Mary
Come in, shepherds, come in
Through this sacred portal.
Come adore the boy
In a few straws lying down. Refrain
In Bethlehem at midnight
Christmas midnight
Jesus was born in a crib
Unparalleled wonder. Refrain
Oh what a beautiful boy
Oh that’s so funny
Oh that looks so much like
The virgin your mother. Refrain
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody