(Traditional English carol)
1. Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
I would my cruel love did so chance
To see the legend of my play
To call my true love to my dance.
Sing oh! my love,
Oh! my love, my love, my love,
This have I done for my true love.
2. Then was I born of a virgin pure,
Of her I took fleshly substance
Thus was I knit to man’s nature
To call my true love to my dance.
3. In a manger laid, and wrapped I was
So very poor, this was my chance
Betwixt an ox and a silly poor ass
To call my true love to my dance.
4. Then up to heaven I did ascend,
Where now I dwell in sure substance
On the right hand of God, that man
May come unto the general dance.
See also
- Country: England
- Subjects: Christmas / love
- Form: AB
- Harmony: chords I V
- Scale: hexatonic
- Tones: drmfst
- more lyrics
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody