(Folk song)
Em pom pee para me para moscas,
Em pom pee, para me.
Acca dairy, so fairy,
Acca dairy, poof poof!
These lyrics are nonsense syllables.
Formation: Partners facing each other
- First 2 phrases: Students alternate clapping (each other’s hands) between clenched and open palms.
- Phrases 3 & 4: Students cross arms against their shoulders one at a time.
- Ending: “Pat-a-cake” motions
(source of motions: Opie, The Singing Game, 1985)
Recorder Notes G, A, B, D'

See also
- Subject: hand-clapping songs
- Harmony: Orff arrangements / chords I & V
- Melody: G,A,B,D’
- Meter: mixed meter
- Scale: tetratonic
- Tones: drms
- Source: The Singing Game, Iona & Peter Opie, Oxford University Press, 1985
or purchase here (printables only)
- Printable & Digital Rhythm Visuals

- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song

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