Lyrics - German
(German folk song)
Es tönen die Lieder,
Der Frühling kehrt wieder
Es spielet der Hirte
Auf seiner Schalmei.
La la la la la la la la la,
La la la la la la la la.
Translation - The songs sound
The songs sound
Spring is coming again
The shepherd is playing
On his shawm*.
*Shawm = double-reed aerophone, predecessor to the oboe (source)
Singable English – With Laughter and Singing
With laughter and singing
The green earth is springing
The shepherd is piping
Again it is spring.
See also
- Country: Germany
- Subject: spring / choral music
- Form: 3
- Harmony: canons / chords I & V
- Melody: repeated tones
- Scale: major
- Timbre: Boomwhackers
- Source: Share the Music, MacMillan McGraw-Hill, Grade 5, 1997
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- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song