(Folk song)
Did you ever ever ever in your long-legged life
Meet a long-legged sailor with a long-legged wife?
No, I never ever ever in my long-legged life
Meet a long-legged sailor with a long-legged wife.
Did you ever ever ever in your short-legged life…
Use it to teach or review eighth notes and quarter notes.
Recorder Notes: G, A, B

See also
- Subjects: silly / sailors
- Harmony: Orff arrangements / chords I V
- Melody: do, re, mi / G,A,B
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm:
- Scale: trichord
- Tones: drm
- Source: The Singing Game, Iona & Peter Opie, Oxford University Press, 1985
or purchase here (printables only)
- Printable & Digital Rhythm Visuals

- PDF with song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song