(Folk song)
1. Shall I show you how the farmer,
Shall I show you how the farmer,
Shall I show you how the farmer
Reaps his barley and wheat.
2. Look, ’tis thus, thus that the farmer,
Look, ’tis thus, thus that the farmer,
Look, ’tis thus, thus that the farmer
Sows his barley and wheat.
3. Shall I show you how the farmer…
Reaps his barley and wheat.
4. Look ’tis thus, thus that the farmer…
Reaps his barley and wheat.
5. Shall I show you how the farmer…
Threshes barley and wheat.
6. Look ’tis thus, thus that the farmer…
Threshes barley and wheat.
See also
- Subject: farming / preschool themes
- Harmony: chords I V
- Melody: tonic triad
- Scale: major
- Similar song: The Farmer (on the lowland)
- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song