(Folk song)
If perchance we should meet
On this wild prairie,
In my arms will I embrace
My darling brown-eyed Mary.
Turn your partner half way ’round
Turn your opposite lady,
Turn your partner all the way way ’round,
And prom’nade right hand lady.
Dance / Play Party
Formation – Double circle of partners, Person A inside and Person B outside, facing counterclockwise.
Verse 1 – Partners promenade in the circle counterclockwise.
Verse 2
- Phrase 1 – Partners join right hands and turn half way around so that Person A is facing counterclockwise.
- Phrase 2 – Person A joins left hands with Person B who was in the couple behind them and does right (or left) arm swing.
- Phrase 3 – Person A joins hands with original partner and does right (or left) arm swing.
- Phrase 4 – Person A takes Person B from behind as a new partner and prepares to promenade as song begins again.
See also
- Activities: dances
- Harmony: chords I & V
- Meter: 6/8
- Scale: hexatonic
- Tones: drmslt
- Source: Handy Play Party Book, Lynn Rohrbough, Co-operative Recreational Service, 1940
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody