(Folk song)
On a mountain stands a lady,
Who she is I do not know.
All she wants is gold and silver,
All she wants is ice cream cones.
So jump out, my (name 1).
And jump in, my (name 2).
Singing Game
Game 1
Formation: Students stand in a circle holding hands with one student (“It”) in the middle of the circle.
As students sing, students walk around in the circle while “It” walks around in the middle. For name 1, students sing “It’s” name, and for name 2, “It” sings the name of another student, who then changes places with “It” and becomes the new “It.”
Game 2, Option 1
Jump Rope Formation: 2 students hold the ends of a jumping rope while other students wait their turns to jump.
One student jumps as the 2 students turn the rope. The student continues to jump. When a mistake is made, a new student takes a turn.
Game 2, Option 2
Jump Rope Formation: 2 students hold the ends of a jumping rope while other students wait their turns to jump.
One student jumps as the 2 students turn the rope. On name 1, students sing the name of the jumping student, who then stops jumping. That student sings the name of another student for name 2. That new person starts jumping.
See also
- Subject: names
- Activities: circle singing games
- Harmony: chords I & V
- Melody: solo singing
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm:
- Scale: hexachord
- Tones: drmfsl
- Song with chords in 3 keys with Solfege (PDF)
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song

1 thought on “On a Mountain”
Thank you for On a mountain. I am planning to use it. But, the lyrics I recall are:
Gold and silver for her beau. I did not want to deal with beau, boyfriend with my young students. Ice cream cone works well for both boys and girls.