(Folk song)
1. Sleep baby sleep
Thy father tends the sheep.
Mother shakes the dreamland tree,
And down fall pleasant dreams for thee,
Sleep baby sleep.
2. Sleep baby sleep
Our cottage vale is deep
The little lamb is on the green
With snowy fleece so soft and clean
Sleep baby sleep
This is a good song for beginning recorders, as it encourages students to play softly.
See also
- Subjects: lullabies / sheep
- Harmony: ostinati / Orff arrangements / chords I V
- Melody: high & low / do, re, mi / G,A,B
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm:
- Scale: trichord
- Tones: drm
- Source: 140 Folk-songs with Piano Accompaniment “rote Songs” for Grades I, II and III,Archibald Thompson Davison, Thomas Whitney Surette, 1921
- German version: Schlaf Kindlein schlaf
- Pennsylvania German version: Schlof Bobbli Schlof
- Worksheet / Assessment

- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song