(Folk song)
Chickamy chickamy craney crow,
I went to the well to wash my toe,
When I got back, my chickens were gone
What time is it, old witch?
Recorder Notes G, A, C

See also
- Subjects: games / Halloween
- Harmony: chords I & V
- Melody: low so & low la / D,E,G / G,A,C / melodic composition
- Meter: 6/8
- Scale: tritonic
- Timbre: voices
- Tones: dsl
- Source: Silver Burdett Music, Early Childhood, Silver Burdett Company, 1981
or purchase here (printables only)
- Improvisation / Composition Worksheets

- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song