(Folk song)
1. Cuckoo, cuckoo calls from the tree.
“Now let us sing and dance and be merry!”
Cuckoo, cuckoo calls from the tree.
2. Cuckoo, cuckoo calls from the tree.
“Come to the fields so pleasant to see,
For springtime springtime comes merrily!”
Recorder Notes G, A, B, C, D’

See also
- Subjects: spring / birds / cuckoos / emotions
- Harmony: homophony (see duet below) / Orff arrangements / chords I & V
- Melody: GABCD’ / DEF#GA
- Meter: 3 (triple)
- Rhythm:
- Scale: pentachord
- Tones: drmfs
- Source: Book of a Thousand Songs, Albert Ernest Wier, 1918
- German version: Kuckuck, Kuckuck
or purchase here (printables only)
- Printable & Digital Meter Visuals

- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song

2 thoughts on “Spring’s Message”
What is the adapted version? Does that mean it’s adapted for special needs? Or another kind of adaptation?
Hi Jess! I adapt folk songs for all sorts of reasons. In this case, to avoid confusion with singing the same words “cuckoo” with two different rhythms, I changed the lyrics. 🙂