(Folk song)
1. Chumbara…
2. Fy-do-lee
3. Chow-ber-ski
4. Chug-ah-lee
5. Say-too-mee
6. Boom-ta-da
7. Zow-lee-ski
See also
- Country: Canada
- Subject: names songs
- Activities: circle singing games
- Harmony: Orff arrangements / chords I V
- Melody: high & low / up & down / repeated tones / descending major scale
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm: beat vs. rhythm
- Scale: major
- Tempo: fast & slow
- Timbre: Boomwhackers
- Source: The World of Music 5, Silver Burdett & Ginn, 1990
or purchase here (printables only)
- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song