This song is based on the Biblical parable about the wise man who built his house on a rock and the foolish man who built his house upon the sand.
(Jamaican folk song)
1. Hosanna, me build me house, oh. (ha, ha)
Me build ‘pon sandy ground, (ha, ha)
The rain come wet it up, (ha, ha)
The sun come burn it up, (ha, ha)
The river wash it ‘way, (ha, ha)
The storm come blow it down, (ha, ha)
The house is weak you see, (ha, ha)
The house done gone you see.
2. Hosanna, me build me house, oh, (ha, ha)
Me build ‘pon rocky ground, (ha, ha)
The rain come fall ‘pon it, (ha, ha)
The sun come shine ‘pon it, (ha, ha)
The house is strong, you see, (ha, ha)
Me build ‘pon rocky ground.
Hosanna, me build me house, oh. (ha, ha)
See also
- Country: Jamaica
- Subjects: Christian / building
- Form: call & response songs
- Harmony: chords I & V
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm: syncopation
- Scale: major
- Source: Echoes of Africa in folk songs of the Americas, Beatrice Landeck, David McKay Company, Inc., 1961
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody