Lyrics - Estonian
(Estonian folk song)
Kits kilu karja, üle suo eina.
Mina eina lehmale, lehm mulle piima.
Mina piima põrsale, põrsas mulle pekki.
Mina pekki pereme’ele, peremies mul kala.
Mina kala kaakale, kaagas mulle sulgu.
Mina sulgu sepale, sepp mulle rauda.
Mina rauda tammele, tamm mulle lehte.
Mina lehte lambale, lammas mulle villa.
Mina villa viidikale, viidikas kujub viied sukad,
kuied kindad ja üsna uie ümbriku.
English Translation – A goat went to pasture
A goat went to pasture, across the swamp, to the meadow.
I give hay to the cow, the cow gives me milk.
I give milk to the piglet, the piglet gives me lard.
I give lard to the master, the owner gives me fish.
I give fish to the sea-gull, the sea-gull gives me a feather.
I give the feather to the blacksmith, the blacksmith gives me iron.
I give the iron to the oak tree, the oak tree gives me a leaf.
I give the leaf to the sheep, the sheep gives me wool.
I give the wool to the viper, the viper knits me five pairs of stockings,
six pairs of mittens and a new skirt.
See also
- Country: Estonia
- Subject: goats
- Harmony: chords I & V
- Meter: 3
- Scale: pentachord
- Tones: drmfs
- Source
- recording
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody