Good Morning to You


(Melody by Ernst Richter, 1808-1879, Lyrics by Abbie Farwell Brown, 1871-1927)

1. Good morning to you! Good morning to you!
We’re all in our places With sun-shiny faces;
Oh this is the way To start a new day!

2. Good morning to you! Good morning to You!
Whatever the weather, We’ll make it together,
In work and in play, A beautiful day!

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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8 thoughts on “Good Morning to You”

  1. Wow , I didn’t remember the 2 verse. We sang this song to being our class room activities every day in elementary school. This was in the fifties. I never the first verse . Thanks for sharing the hold song.

    1. Nancy McFarland

      Yes! We did too. In kindergarten and 1st grade in the late 1950’s. I could never remember the second verse until I read it! Whenever I’ve mentioned the song to anyone, they didn’t remember it.

  2. Yvonne Lockhart

    I’m from Scotland, born 1963, and remember hearing this on Camp Runamuck (the Divine girls Camp!). Ive just discovered it’s from an old song by Ernst Richter & Abby Farewell in the 1800’s. Wow! Good 8 everyone 🌺

  3. My first grade teacher taught the class this song. We sang it every morning. I’m in my mid-sixties and I still remember the words. Thanks to Mrs. Wiggins, the best first grade teacher.

  4. When my kids were growing up . My mother-in-law would sing that song every morning. She was a retired school teacher.. Now I sing it to my own grand daughter, who I love to the moon and back.
    Linda Slavin
    Jan. 2 , 2024

  5. My mom, who was in grade school in the 50’s, sang this to us all the time. I didn’t realize it was written in the 1800’s. I can’t wait to share this with her.

  6. There was a movie for the 1940s or ’50s with a wonderful, hilarious scene. The family are all thoroughly upset with each other, yet they have a ritual of sitting down for breakfast and singing this song before they begin. It was so, so funny to see them all with such grumpy expressions having to sing this song. I wish I could recall the movie; it would be a wonderful clip to share.

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