Lyrics - Portuguese
(Brazilian folk song)
Samba Lelê está doente
Está com a cabeça quebrada
Samba Lelê precisava
De umas dezoito lambadas
Samba, samba,
Samba ô Lelê
Pisa na barra da saia
English Translation
Sambalele is sick
He (or she) has a broken head
Sambalele needs
Eighteen spankings
Samba [Brazilian rhythm & dance], lele [expression of excitement]
Samba, samba, samba la la
Step on the hem of the skirt
See also
- Country: Brazil
- Harmony: Orff arrangements / chords I V
- Melody: tonic triad / dominant triad
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm: syncopation
- Scale: hexatonic
- Tones: drmfst
- Printable & Digital Rhythm Visuals
- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song
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