Version 1

Biddy biddy hold on, lost my gold ring.
One go to Kingston, come back again. (repeat)
Recorder Notes G, A, B, C, D’

Biddy biddy hold on, lost my gold ring.
One go to London, come back again. (repeat)
Circle Game / Call & Response
- Game 1: Formation: One student is the “Guesser,” who either wears a blindfold or sits in a chair facing away from the class. Students sit in a circle with their hands open in front of them. Teacher or another student is “It.”
- As song begins, “it” walks around inside of the circle while students sing the first 6 measures. “It” sings measure 7 “One go to Kingston,” while putting the ring in one student’s hands. The student with the ring sings the last measure, “Come back again.” The “Guesser” tries to guess the name of the person who has the ring (who sang the last measure). That student becomes the new “It.”
- Game 1 Variation: Same game, except there is no “Guesser.” Students in the circle close their eyes. After the song ends, they all try to guess the name of the student who sang the last measure.
- Game 2: Formation: One student is the “Ring Bearer,” and another student is the “Seeker.” The rest of the students sit in a circle with both fists clenched out in front of them.
- As song is sung, the “Ring Bearer” walks around inside the circle pretending to place a ring in all of the students’ fists – and actually puts the ring in one student’s fist. At the end of the song, the “Seeker” guesses which student has the ring.
See also
- Country: Jamaica
- Activities: circle singing games
- Form: call & response
- Harmony: ostinati / Orff arrangements / chords I V
- Melody: G,A,B,C,D’ / DEF#GA / B,C,D
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm:
/ syncopation
- Scale: pentachord
- Tones: drmfs
- Source: Sing ‘Round the World: International Folksongs, Vol. 1, Shirley McRae, 1990
- Printable & Digital Melody Visuals

- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song

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