Lyrics - Czech
(Czech folk song)
Letěla husička, letěla z vysoka,
nemohla doletět, spadla do potoka, spadla do potoka.
Ach, můj milý Bože, už jsem dolétala,
už jsem těch svých dětí, tady zanechala, tady zanechala.
Moje drobné děti nedělají škody,
plují po potoce, napijí se vody, napijí se vody.
English Translation – A Goose Flew
The goose flew, flew from high,
she could not fly, she fell into the creek, she fell into the creek.
Oh, my dear God, I’ve flown in,
I’ve already left my children here, left here.
My little kids don’t do harm,
they swim in the river, they drink water, they drink water.
See also
- Country: Czech Republic
- Subject: geese
- Harmony: chords I & V
- Meter: 4
- Scale: major
- Source
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody