(American folk song)
Round and round, the mill goes round,
As it does the corn is ground.
Circle Singing Game
Formation: (Uneven number of students) Students stand in a circle holding hands with a partner. One student is “It” in the middle.
As the students sing, they walk around the circle. Song is repeated until “It” says, “Stop!” Students freeze, and “It” tags one student to become “It’s” partner. All other students must find a new partner. One student is left without a partner and becomes the new “It.”
Recorder Notes E, G, A

See also
- Subject: millers
- Activities: circle singing games
- Harmony: one chord
- Melody: E,G,A
- Rhythm:
- Scale: tritonic
- Tones: msl
- video of game
or purchase here (printables only)
- Printable & Digital Visuals

- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song