Orff Instruments & Arrangements
Songs with Orff Arrangements
- A la puerta del cielo
- A Mince Pie or a Pudding
- A Pumpkin
- A Ram Sam Sam
- A Tisket A Tasket
- ABC Die Katze lief im Schnee
- Acadian Lullaby
- Acka Backa
- Aeolian Lullaby
- African Noel
- Ah Poor Bird
- Ain’t Gonna Ring No More
- Al pavo pavito
- Alabama Gal
- Albuquerque Turkey
- All Around the Daffodils
- All Around the Green Apple Tree
- All Night All Day
- All Through the Night – BAG song
- Allee Allee O
- Alouette
- Ama Lama
- Amasee
- Amazing Grace
- Angel Band
- Animal Fair
- Armenian Lullaby
- Arre Mi Burrito
- As I Came Over Yonders Hill
- Au Clair de la Lune
- Babylon’s Falling
- Backe backe Kuchen
- Backwater Blues
- Baker, The
- Balooloo My Lammie
- Barnacle Bill
- Bassez Down
- Bees’ Party
- Betty Botter
- Bickle Bockle
- Bigi kaiman
- Bill Grogan’s Goat
- Black Socks
- Bobby Shafto
- Boomba
- Brother Rabbit
- Campana sobre campana
- Caney mi macaro
- Captain Go Sidetrack Your Train
- Cat’s Got the Measles
- Charlie Over the Ocean
- Chatter With the Angels
- Chicken on the Fence Post
- Christmas Bells
- Christmas Bells (ring)
- Christmas Day
- Christmas is Coming
- Christopher Columbus
- Chumbara
- Cindy
- Clap Clap Clap Your Hands
- Come and Go With Me to that Land
- Cotton Eyed Joe
- Crocodile Song
- Crocodile Song (Canada)
- Day-O (Banana Boat Song)
- Dayenu
- Dear Old Santa Claus
- December
- Did You Go to the Barney?
- Diddle Diddle Dumpling
- Do As I’m Doing
- Doctor Foster
- Doggie Doggie Where’s Your Bone
- Dollar Dollar
- Dona Nobis Pacem
- Donkey Donkey Old and Gray
- Donkeys and Carrots
- Down By the Bay
- Down Came a Lady
- Down in the Valley
- Down the River / Down the Ohio
- Down to the Baker’s Shop
- Drill Ye Tarriers
- Drunken Sailor
- Dry Bones
- Ducks in the Millpond
- Duerme mi tesoro
- Dulce dulce
- Early to Bed
- Eh Soom Boo Kawaya
- El florón
- Em Pom Pee
- Everybody’s Welcome
- Ezekiel Saw the Wheel
- Fais dodo Colas mon p’tit frère
- Father Abraham
- Fishpole Song
- Flower Ghosts
- Free at Last
- Freight Train Blues
- Frère Jacques/Three Blue Pigeons
- Frog in the Meadow
- Frog Pond
- Frogs
- Fruit Bending Down
- Fruit Canon
- Funga Alafia
- Git on Board
- Glad Christmas is Coming
- Go Round
- Go to Sleepy
- Gobble Gobble
- Goin’ Down to Cairo
- Goin’ To Boston
- Good News
- Goodbye Julie
- Goodbye Old Paint
- Grand Old Duke of York
- Great Big House in New Orleans
- Great Mornin’
- Griz-ze-ly Bear
- Gut Shabbes Euch
- Ha’Sukkah Mah Yafah
- Haida
- Hail Hail the Gang’s All Here
- Halloween’s Coming
- Hammer Ring
- Hanukkah, Hanukkah
- Happy New Year
- Hato Popo
- Here’s a String (Vindum Vindum)
- Hevenu Shalom Aleichem
- Hey Diddle Diddle
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Hill and Gully Rider
- Himmel und Erde müssen vergeh’n
- Hiya Hiya
- Hop Old Squirrel
- Hop Up and Jump Up
- Hot Cross Buns
- How Do You Do
- How Old Are You
- Hullabaloo Belay
- Hush Little Baby
- Hush-a-Bye
- I Caught a Rabbit
- I Don’t Care if the Rain Comes Down
- I Fed My Horse
- I Love a Sausage
- I Pick Up My Hoe
- I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In
- I Want to Rise in the Early Morn
- I’m a Nut
- I’m Gonna Sing When the Spirit Says Sing
- I’s the B’y
- If a Fish
- In Some Lady’s Garden
- Inuit Lullaby
- It’s Almost Day
- It’s Raining
- It Rained a Mist
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Jack Sprat
- Jack-o’-Lantern
- Jing-Ga-Ring
- John the Rabbit
- Jolly Miller
- Jolly Old St. Nicholas
- Jubilee
- Kangaroo
- Kitty Cat (Te Uru)
- Kokoleoko
- Kolyada
- La Cucaracha
- Lachend kommt der Sommer
- Lady Come
- Land of the Silver Birch
- Le forgeron
- Leak Kanseng
- Let us Sing Together
- Li’l Liza Jane
- Linstead Market
- List to the Bells
- Listen Listen Here I Come
- Little Birch Tree
- Little Green Frog
- Little Red Caboose
- Little White Daisies
- London Bridge
- Lone Star Trail
- Long-Legged Sailor
- Look Away to Bethlehem
- Los esqueletos
- Lost My Gold Ring
- Lucy Locket
- Lullaby
- Lullaby-Sioux
- Lullaby-Thailand
- Macoway
- Mama Bake That Johnny Cake, Christmas…
- Mary Had a Little Lamb / Sing Together
- May Song (Spring is Coming)
- Merrily Merrily
- Miss Maggie
- Mister Rabbit
- Music Alone Shall Live
- My Aunt Came Back
- My Aunt Jane
- My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
- My Good Old Man
- My Paddle’s Keen and Bright
- Naughty Kitty Cat
- North Wind Doth Blow
- O Lebisibiyo
- O Tannenbaum / O Christmas Tree
- Obwisana
- Oh How Lovely is the Evening
- Oh I’m Goin’ to Sing
- Oh Mary and the Baby Sweet Lamb
- Oh Watch the Stars
- Oh Won’t You Sit Down
- Okki Tokki Unga
- Old Ark’s a Moverin’
- Old Betty Larkin
- Old Brass Wagon
- Old House
- Old Jeremiah
- Old Man Daisy
- Old Mister Rabbit
- Old Ship of Zion
- Oliver Twist
- Old Zion’s Children
- On a Log Mister Frog
- One Two Three (Johnny Caught a Flea)
- Oy Chanukah oy Chanukah
- Patapan
- Paw Paw Patch
- Pay Me My Money Down
- Peace Like a River
- Pin Pon
- Poor Old Crow
- Pray God Bless
- Purple Stew
- Que Llueva
- Rain Come Wet Me
- Rain Dance
- Rain Rain
- Raindrops Song
- Raining Again Today
- Riding in the Buggy
- Reveille
- Rocky Mountain
- Round and Round the Garden
- Rosie Darling Rosie
- Row Row Row Your Boat
- Ruach
- Rub-a-Dub-Dub
- Sailing in the Boat
- Sakura
- Sally Go Round the Sun
- Sally on the Seesaw
- Sambalele
- Sandie Toy
- Sandy McNab
- Sarasponda
- Scarborough Fair
- Scotland’s Burning
- Scraping Up Sand
- See the Pony Galloping
- Seesaw Margery Daw
- Seesaw Sacradown
- Shake Them ‘Simmons Down
- Shalom Chaverim / Zum Gali Gali
- Shout Little Lulu
- Si me dan pasteles
- Silver Moon Boat
- Simple Gifts
- Sing a Song of Sixpence
- Skip To My Lou / Bow Belinda
- Sleep Baby Sleep
- Sleigh Ride
- Soft Music is Stealing
- Solas Market
- Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
- Song of the Dragon
- Song of the Snowflakes
- Song to the Sun
- Songaji
- Sourwood Mountain
- Spring’s Message
- St. Ives
- Standin’ on the Platform
- Sugar Bowl
- Sun Don’t Set in the Mornin’
- Sussex Carol (On Christmas Night)
- Sweet Water Rolling
- Sweetly Sings the Donkey
- Swing Low / All Night All Day
- Take Time in Life
- Tennessee
- Thank You for this Chris’mus
- Thanksgiving Round
- That’s a Mighty Pretty Motion
- The More We Get Together
- The Other Day I Met a Bear
- Then Oh Then
- There Once Was a Witch
- There Was a Pig
- Thief
- This Old Hammer
- This Train
- Three Little Pigs
- Tideo
- Tingalayo
- To Stop the Train
- Train’s Off the Track
- Trampin’
- Trot Old Joe
- Twenty Four Robbers / Tom the Piper’s Son
- Two in the Middle
- Uncle Jessie
- Vamos a remar
- Village Watchman
- Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
- Wade in the Water
- Waiting for the Dinner Bell
- Wake Me
- Wake Snake
- Walking Walking
- Warm Your Hands
- Wastin’ His Time
- Watah Come a Me Eye
- We’re Going Round the Mountain
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- Weather
- Weather Song
- Wee Willie Winkie
- Weevily Wheat
- Welcome Song
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- When the Train Comes Along
- Who Built the Ark
- Who’s That Tapping at the Window
- Witch Witch
- Xīnnián hǎo
- Ya vienen los Reyes Magos
- Ya Ya We
- Yoo Hoo
- Zulu Warrior