Have You Seen the Ghost of Tom


Alternate title: Have You Seen the Ghost of John


(Folk song)

Have you seen the ghost of Tom
Long white bones with the rest all gone
Wouldn’t it be chilly with no skin on

See also


  • PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the song

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7 thoughts on “Have You Seen the Ghost of Tom”

  1. I thought the lyrics went:

    Have you seen the ghost of Tom?
    Eyes bugged out and nose toooo long . . .
    Big ugly teeth and a shiny white chin,
    Only one cheek to keep his tongue in . . .

    That is how I have sung it for decades.

    1. That’s what I remember signing growing up also, Donna! I can’t seem to find the rendition I grew up with anywhere. I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers it this way.

    2. OMG thank goodness you remember it that way too! I thought this was either another case of the mandala effect OR I had lost my last marble! LOL!

  2. I remember the lyrics the same as Donna and Steffany. What appears to be the most common variation here is foreign to me…Regardless, the melody haunts me like no other from my childhood. I’ve got goosebumps as we speak! OOOOOO!

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