In a Dark Dark Wood


(Traditional chant)

In a dark, dark wood, there was a dark, dark house.
And in that dark, dark house, there was a dark, dark room.
And in that dark, dark room, there was a dark, dark closet.
And in that dark, dark closet, there was a dark, dark shelf.
And on that dark, dark shelf, there was a dark, dark box.
And in that dark, dark box, there was a GHOST!

See also


or purchase here (printables only)

  • Printable & Digital Visuals
  • PDF of chant with chords + Lesson ideas

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1 thought on “In a Dark Dark Wood”

  1. If anyone is interested in doing a light and dark contrast theme here is a play on the original I did that you can totally change and make your own version of:
    On a bright, bright hill, there was a bright, bright, house.
    And on that bright, bright house, there was a bright, bright roof.
    And on that bright, bright roof, there was a bright, bright nest.
    And on that bright, bright nest, there was a bright, bright egg.
    And on that bright, bright egg, there was a bright, bright bird.
    And on that bright, bright bird there was a FEATHER!

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