Songs Based on a Scale of 5 Consecutive Tones (Pentachord)
d r m f s
- A, a, a, der Winter, der ist da
- À la volette
- A-Working on the Railroad
- Abiyo Abeyo
- Above the Plain
- Achshav
- Aiken Drum
- Ambos a dos
- Arroz con leche
- Atem Tutem Men Seni
- Ball Passing Game
- Balm in Gilead
- Bjørnen sover
- Borboleta Pequenina
- Boryano, Boryanke
- By’m Bye
- Chand Utheche Ful Futeche
- Clap With Me (adapted version)
- Clap Your Hands (Section A)
- Clear Cool Pond
- Cockles and Mussels
- Cuckoo
- Cucú cucú cantaba la rana
- Dawda Sanneh
- Der Kuckuck und der Esel
- Dipidu
- Doña Ana
- Dreidel Song
- Ducks and Geese / Gyertek haza ludaim
- Early in the Morning
- El cucú
- Elefanttimarssi
- Ene ‘andi koura
- Entendez-vous sur l’ormeau
- Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
- Es wird scho glei dumpa
- Et Lá-Bas
- Everybody Loves Saturday Night / Bobo waro fero Satodeh
- Fais dodo Colas mon p’tit frère
- Five Brown Eggs
- Five Fat Turkeys
- Five Little Ducks
- Follow Me
- Fourth of July
- Frogs
- Gallop
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody
- Going to Kentucky
- Good Night Ladies
- Gray Squirrel
- Hänschen klein
- Happy New Year (Hark, Hark)
- Hey Lidee
- Hey Lolly Lolly
- Hob Shoe Hob
- Hoe leit dit kindeke
- Hoedje van Papier
- Horse Went Around
- Hungarian Canon
- Hush Little Baby
- Hush-a-Bye
- I Caught a Rabbit
- I Don’t Care if the Rain Comes Down
- I Know Where I’m Goin’
- I Wish I Was a Little Bird
- I’m Stretching Very Tall
- In a Fine Castle
- In May
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Jacky Stand Still
- Jingle Bells
- Jugando al escondite
- Ka Lei Ho`ohie
- Kangaroo
- Karga İle Tilki
- Katie Bairdie
- Kis karácsony nagy karácsony
- Kits kilu karja
- Kuckuck, Kuckuck
- Kum Bachur Atzel
- Lady Come
- Lady Lady
- Le pastouriau
- Lightly Row
- Lille kattepus
- Little Drummer
- Little Green Frog
- Little King Brogan
- Little Red Engine
- Little White Daisies
- Look Away to Bethlehem
- Lord is My Shepherd
- Lost My Gold Ring / Biddy Biddy
- Lovely May
- Lullaby
- Macoway
- Mama Ngudi
- Meine Mühle
- Mo Ruarachan
- Moon Song
- Nabiya
- Niño Manuelito (Peru)
- Nkombo Meka
- Now the Evening Shadows Fall
- O Lebisibiyo
- Oats Peas Beans
- Ode to Joy
- Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be
- Okki Tokki Unga
- Old Aunt Kate
- Old Clock
- Old Old Shack
- One Finger One Thumb
- Open Shut Them
- Our Country
- Out of the Window
- Pásli ovce valaši
- Patsy Ory Ory Aye
- Petit Papa, c’est aujourd’hui ta fête
- Piva piva
- Pjevaj mi pjevaj sokole
- Podul de piatră
- Pray God Bless
- Ranz des vaches
- Ron Ron Ron
- Row Row Row Your Boat
- Rub-a-Dub-Dub
- Sailors Sailing on the Sea
- Sandy McNab
- Santoki
- Santy Maloney
- Schlaf Kindlein schlaf
- Se canta
- See the Pony Galloping
- Serkenj fel kegyes nép
- Sing Gaily Sing
- So ro godt barn
- Schpinn, schpinn, meine liewi Dochder
- Sleigh Ride (jingle…)
- Spring’s Message
- Summ Summ Summ
- Swallow Goodbye
- Sweet Potatoes
- Thanksgiving Day
- Three Jolly Fishermen
- To a River
- To Stop the Train
- Today is Monday
- Tou ke mahe bolande asemooni
- Tu Tu Gbovi
- Twenty Froggies
- Two Pigeons
- Uhe Bashon Shon
- Vamos a remar
- Violette à bicyclette
- We Would See Jesus
- Weather
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- Why Shouldn’t My Goose
- Winter ade
- Wishy Washy Wee
- Y’a un rat
- Yoo Hoo
l, t, d r m (minor tonality)
d r m s t
d m f s l
d m f s t
d r s l t
d r m f t
d m s l t
d f s l t
l, t, d m f (minor tonality)
l, t, d m s (minor tonality)
l, t, r m s (minor tonality)
l, d r m f (minor tonality)
l, d r f s (minor tonality)