Lauliku Lapsepõli

Lyrics - Estonian

(Estonian folk song)

Kuima ol’li väikokõnõ, al’leaa, al’leaa,
kas’vi ma sis kaunikõnõ, al’leaa, al’leaa

ol’li üte üü vannu, al’leaa, al’leaa,
pääle katõ päävä vannu, al’leaa, al’leaa

imä vei kiigu kesä pääle, al’leaa, al’leaa,
pan’de hällü palo pääle, al’leaa, al’leaa,

pan’de par’dsi hällütämmä, al’leaa, al’leaa,
suvolinnu liigutamma, al’leaa, al’leaa

par’dsi ol’le pal’lo sõnnu, al’leaa, al’leaa,
suvõlinnul liia’ laalu’, al’leaa, al’leaa

par’ts sääl man mul pal’lo lauli, al’leaa, al’leaa,
suvõlindu liiast kõnõli, al’leaa, al’leaa

säält mina lat’s sis laulu ope, al’leaa, al’leaa,
ul’likõnõ sõna’ osasi, al’leaa, al’leaa

kõik mina pan’ni papõrihe, al’leaa, al’leaa,
kõik mina raiõ raamatuhe, al’leaa, al’leaa

selle minol pal’lo sõnnu, al’leaa, al’leaa,
selle laajalt laalu viisi, al’leaa, al’leaa

English Translation – The singer’s childhood

Once I was just a little one,
then I grew very nicely

and I was one night old.
After two days my mother

took my cradle to a fallow field.
She put the cradle on the field

and set a duck in it to comfort me,
and a summer bird to rock it.

The duck had a lot of words,
and the summer bird had much to say.

The duck and the bird
both sang to me a lot.

There, as a child,
I learned songs and many words.

All of this I put on paper,
all of it I etched into a book.

From this book I have many words,
from this book I have many songs.

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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