Songs with Dotted Eighth – Sixteenth Note Patterns
- A Song of Ships
- Ain’t Gonna Ring No More
- Albuquerque Turkey
- All Hail to the Flag of Freedom
- Ame Ame
- Amen
- Arkansas
- As I Came Over Yonders Hill
- Ay tituy
- Baby Dear
- Ballin’ the Jack
- Battle Cry of Freedom
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Behold That Star
- Big Corral
- Blow Ye Winds
- Boom Boom Ain’t it Great to Be Crazy
- Bow Belinda
- Brave Old Oak
- Buckeye Jim
- Bulldog
- Cae, cae globito
- Caimarusa
- Charlotte Town
- Chase That Squirrel
- Christmastime is Come Again
- City Blues
- Clementine
- Click Go The Shears
- Cluck Old Hen
- Clucking Hen
- Columbia the Gem of the Ocean
- Come Back to Erin
- Cowboy’s Life
- Crocodile Song
- Crow Song
- Cuckoo is a Pretty Bird
- Cuckoo Song
- Cuckoo Waltz
- Daddy’s Whiskers
- Dan Doo
- De Frühlig isch au scho uf d’Berge cho
- Dear Old Pals
- Do Lord
- Donkey Riding
- Down By the Banks of the Hanky Panky
- Eka Muda
- El cucú
- El pájaro errante
- El-A-Noy
- Eltörött a hegedüm
- Este van már nyolc óra
- Everybody’s Crazy ‘Bout the Doggone Blues But I’m Happy
- Farmer is the Man
- Firefighters
- Five Big Dump Trucks
- Flag of 76
- Flag of the Free Fairest to See
- Found a Peanut
- Fountain in the Park
- Gesú Bambino
- Glockenjodler
- Go Round
- God Save America
- Goin to Boston
- Goin Up on the Mountain
- Goodbye-ee
- Greens
- Hail! Minnesota
- Haiye Kirumberumbe
- Happy Birthday to You
- Head Shoulders Baby
- Hei tama tū tama
- Hello Song
- Henehene Kou’Aka
- Here Sits a Monkey
- Himno Nacional Argentino
- Himno Nacional Mexicano
- Hoosen Johnny
- Hop Up My Ladies
- Hops in the Nest
- Hunting for a Home
- I Ali-i No ‘Oe
- I am a Pumpkin Big and Round
- If All the Raindrops
- If You’re Happy and You Know It
- Il Canto degli Italiani
- Iowa Corn Song
- Iowa State Song
- Jack Sprat
- January, February
- Jesse James
- Jesus Borned in Bethlea
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- Jimmy Rose He Went to Town
- John Brown’s Baby
- John the Rabbit
- Jubilee
- Ka Lei Ho`ohie
- Keel Row
- Knickerbocker
- Kommt Ein Vogel Geflogen
- Kreuztanz
- Kum Ba Ya
- L’Abidjanaise
- La Brabançonne
- La Marseillaise
- La rama
- Lazy Sheep
- Le joli tambour
- Leak Kanseng
- Leron Leron Sinta
- Little Bird, Little Bird
- Little Old Sod Shanty
- Little Peter Rabbit
- Little Red Wagon
- Long Time Ago
- Lullaby (Rossetti)
- Lynchburg Town
- Maamme
- Macoway
- Maple Sugar Time
- Marcha Nacional
- Marcha Real
- Marching Song
- Marching Through Georgia
- Mariner’s Hymn
- Maryland My Maryland
- Maua Mazuri
- Mazurek Dąbrowskiego
- Michie Bainjo
- Michigan My Michigan
- Missouri Waltz
- Mock Turtle’s Song
- Mon Papa
- Monkey and the Zebra
- Moonlight Bay
- Muffin Man
- My Dog Rags
- No Bears Out Tonight
- O Christmas Tree
- Oh My Monster Frankenstein
- Old Abe Lincoln Came Out of the Wilderness
- Old Bell Cow
- Old Brass Wagon
- Old Gray Mare
- Old Joe Clark
- Old New Hampshire
- Old North State
- Old Zion’s Children
- On a Mountain
- Our Flag is There
- Pastorcitos del monte venid
- Peanut Butter
- Peep Squirrel
- Pen Pen de Sarapen
- Pennsylvania
- Pikku Matin auto
- Pleasure Dance
- Poor Little Jesus
- Porsaita Äidin Oomme Kaikki
- Put Your Little Foot
- Railroad Cars are Coming
- Rain Come Wet Me
- Raindrops Song
- Rattlin’ Bog
- Räven raskar över isen
- Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross
- Robin-a-Thrush
- Rocky Island
- Roll That Brown Jug Down to Town
- Roll the Chariot
- Rolling Home
- Rolly Trudum
- Roy’s Horse Enjoys a Gallop
- Saeng-il chughahabnida
- Saint Patrick Was a Gentleman
- Sal de ahí chivita chivita
- Sana hulwat ya jamil
- Sandy Land
- Santoki
- Scraping Up Sand in the Bottom of the Sea
- Se levanta la niña
- Se Se Se
- Señora Santana
- Seven Days in a Week
- She Waded in the Water
- She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain
- Shepherd Shepherd
- Shepherds Rejoice
- Shoo, Shoo, Shoo-Lye
- Shout Little Lulu
- Silent Night
- Sing Hallelu
- Singin’ in the Rain
- Singing in the Land
- Skinnamarink
- Skye Boat Song
- Slumber Song
- Somebody Waiting
- Soon Ah Will Be Done
- Springtime
- Star Spangled Banner
- Strike the Bell
- Tan patate-là tchuite
- Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay
- Taps
- Ten Green Bottles
- Texas Cowboy
- That’s a Mighty Pretty Motion
- There’s a Brown Girl in the Ring
- There’s a Song in the Air
- Three Craw
- To Market
- Today is Monday
- Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral
- Toodala
- Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (The Prisoner’s Hope)
- Tūdaliņ Tagadiņ
- Turkey Struttin’ Down the Lane
- Twenty-Four Robbers
- Vacation Days are Here
- Waiting for the Dinner Bell
- Walk and Stop
- Walk Together Children
- Waltzing Matilda
- Warm Your Hands
- Was bringt der Weihnachtsmann?
- Washington and Lincoln
- Wasn’t That a Mighty Day
- Watchman Tell Us of the Night
- We’ll Fight for Uncle Abe
- What Child is This
- When the Train Comes Along
- Who Has the Penny
- Willowbee
- Wise Man Built His House
- Wishy Washy Wee
- Worried Man Blues
- Yuki
- Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè
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See also
- Even & Uneven Dotted eighths visuals, handout, assessment (PDF)
- Digital Visuals (PPT)