(R. P. Weston & Bert Lee, 1917)
Goodbye-ee, goodbye-ee!
Wipe the tear, baby dear, from your eye-ee,
Though it’s hard to part, I know,
I’ll be tickled to death to go.
Don’t cry-ee, don’t sigh-ee!
There’s a silver lining in the sky-ee.
Bonsoir*, old thing!
Cheerio, chin chin**!
Nahpoo! Toodleoo!***
*Bonsoir = Good night (French)
**Chin chin = Chinese toast
***”Nahpoo” and “toodle-oo” are corruptions of the French il n’y en a plus (there is no more) and à tout à l’heure (see you later). (source)
See also
- Subjects: goodbye / choral music
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm:
- Scale: major
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody