Clapping / Patting Songs
- 76 Trombones (Willson)
- Baby Elephant Walk (Mancini)
- Washington Post March (Sousa)
- Yankee Doodle
Singing Fun
- Engine Engine Number Nine
- Git On Board
- Little Red Wagon
- Rig a Jig Jig
- Row Row Row Your Boat (add fast verse: “drive drive drive your car…”)
- See the Pony Galloping (add galloping and/or a stick horse)
- Slowly Slowly (chant)
Other ideas
- Vary songs by singing them fast and slow
- Listen to recordings and move scarves either fast or slow
Loud songs
Soft songs
- Stars and Stripes Forever (Sousa)
Listen: Peter & the Wolf characters – grandfather & bird
Move scarves up and down as you make your voice go up and down. Put hands up high and let scarf drop and move your voice lower as it falls.
Pat, Clap, Play instruments to this pattern. Even whisper “1,2,3” while playing.
- A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea
- La Raspa
- Little Bird (hop hop hop…)
- Tideo
- Walking Walking (hop hop hop)
Other Listening
- Syncopated Clock (Anderson) – Form – move in different ways to the different sections
- The Nutcracker Suite: March & Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy – move differently to the different songs
See also
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