Each lesson is 20 minutes long. Each lesson can be repeated with minimal changes over several lessons. Spend only a few minutes on each song/activity.
Sample Lesson 1
- Welcome Song: Welcome to Music
- Song with Beat Motions: This is the Way or Clap Clap Clap Your Hands or If You’re Happy
- Play the Beat with a recording: Yankee Doodle with gathering drum or Baby Elephant Walk / Washington Post March with body percussion
- March/Step to Beat: Marching Round the Levee or Walking Walking or Marching Game or Marching Song or Walk and Stop
- Cumulative Song or other song with several verses (with visual, such as PowerPoint, flannel board, laminated cards with magnets, etc): This Old Man or Going Over the Sea or Bought Me a Cat
- Poem or Nursery Rhyme: Boom Chicka Boom or There Was a Little Turtle or One Two Buckle My Shoe
- Goodbye song: Thank You for Music (same tune as Welcome to Music)
Sample Lesson 2
- Welcome Song
- Talking voice with motions: Three Little Muffins or Who Stole the Cookie
- Singing voice with motions: My Father is a Garbage Man
- Mixed voices with motions: Peanut Butter or Little Cabin in the Wood
- Goodbye song
Sample Lesson 3
- Welcome Song
- Loud song: All Around the Kitchen (add motions) or She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain or
- Soft song: Peace Like a River or lullaby (add triangles on the beat)
- Gross Motor – Move like an animal (softly or loudly): Read parts of Rumble in the Jungle while you play an instrument or move to sections of Carnival of the Animals or Stars and Stripes Forever.
See also
- Lesson plans – Dynamics (Loud & Soft)
- Lesson plans – Melody (High & Low)
- Lesson plans – Rhythm (Steady Beat)
- Lesson plans – Tempo (Fast & Slow)
- Lesson plans – Voices

8 thoughts on “Pre-K / Preschool Lesson Plans”
How do I access the full pre-K lesson plans?
Hi Holly!
I have lesson suggestions for music for Pre-K through 6th grade available to Plus members, and they are organized under the musical elements. Steady beat [Rhythm page], long/short, high/low [Melody page], etc. You can email me at info@bethsnotesplus.com if you need help finding where everything is. There are tons of great lessons!
The link to the “Welcome Song” seems to lead me to “It’s Almost Day.” Help!
Hi Emily! Yes, the “Welcome to Music” is my version to the tune of “It’s Almost Day.” Download the PDF, and you’ll find it! 🙂
Hi there
I see a comment above saying that all resources are in the Pre-K folder, labeled under Steady Beat, Dynamics etc, but not all of them are suitable for Pre-K or am I wrong?
The 3 lessons above as examples are great. Are there any more plans like this listed anywhere? Thank you in advance.
You are correct. Not all Steady Beat lessons would work for Pre-K. They would work for Pre-K through 2nd grade. So, many ideas could be altered for Pre-K.
More Pre-K songs could be found here: https://www.bethsnotesplus.com/category/prek
More preschool songs could be found here: https://www.bethsnotesplus.com/category/preschool
There is much overlap between those two categories.
Hope this helps!
Thank you so much! Would you be willing to put more sample lesson plans like this together for Plus members? I love all the musical elements examples, but for time’s sake, I would love more actual 20 minute lesson plans that the ones above, I have used 2 so far and the kids love them!
Hi Danielle! I just put several lesson plan ideas for members! Enjoy! – Beth