Happiness / Joy
- A Song and a Smile
- Å Vil Du Hava Meg Te Å Kveda
- All Around the Maypole
- Calon Lân
- Chíu Chíu Chíu
- Come, Come, Come
- Come, Let’s Sing a Merry Round
- Cut the Cake
- De Frühlig isch au scho uf d’Berge cho
- Di sini senang
- Dr. Knickerbocker
- El tambor de la alegria
- En busschaufför
- Es war eine Mutter
- Everybody’s Crazy ‘Bout the Doggone Blues But I’m Happy
- Fatou Yo
- Fiafia ‘O Lo’u Loto
- Froh zu sein bedarf es wenig
- Good Morning to You Children Dear
- Good Night Kind Friends
- Greeting Song
- Greetings
- Haiye Kirumberumbe
- Happy Days are Here Again
- Happy is the Miller
- Happiness Song
- Happy Song
- Healing Waters
- Hello There
- The Hours are Quickly Flying
- Hvor såre lidet vil der til
- I Walk the Unfrequented Road
- I’ve Got the Joy Joy Joy
- In May
- Injit Injit Semut
- Joy Bells
- L’abe igi orombo
- La bonne aventure
- Let Us Sing Together
- Meeting (Gaudeamus igitur)
- Merrily Merrily
- Merrily Merrily Sing
- Miller Boy
- My Father’s House
- Peace Like a River
- Polichinelle
- Rise Up O Flame
- Robin
- Rock a My Soul
- Sing Gaily Sing
- Sing Together
- Spring’s Message
- The More We Are Together
- The More We Get Together
- There is Joy in Every Day
- Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree
- Utima Wange
- Wake a Song of Joy and Gladness
- Welcome Here
- Welcome Song
- When Irish Eyes are Smiling
Sadness / Negative
Multiple Emotions