Songs / Chants
- A Song for Sailors and Soldiers
- Autumn Comes
- As I mee walked
- As I Sat on a Sunny Bank
- Blow the Wind Southerly
- Bluebird
- Boar’s Head Carol
- Bye Baby Bunting
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas is Coming
- Cornish Wassail Song
- Coventry Carol
- Dabbling in the Dew
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Dear Old Santa Claus
- Derby Ram
- Down in Yon Forest
- Early One Morning
- Elsie Marley
- Farmyard
- Father Grumble
- Friendly Beasts
- Georgie Porgie
- Gloucestershire Wassail
- God Save the Queen/King (national anthem)
- Golden Slumbers
- Grasshoppers Three
- Greensleeves
- Hal an Tow
- Hark Hark Dogs Do Bark
- Hey Ho Nobody Home
- Hey Ho to the Greenwood
- Hold Thy Peace
- Holly and the Ivy
- Holly Bears a Berry
- Hot Cross Buns
- Hush-a-bye Baby
- I Saw a Ship a Sailing
- I Saw Three Ships
- I Went to the Pictures Tomorrow
- In Bethlehem City
- Ippa Dippa Dation
- Keel Row
- Lady Come
- Land of Hope and Glory
- Lavender’s Blue
- Little Jumping Joan
- Lost Lady Found
- Muffin Man
- My Dame Hath a Lame Tame Crane
- My Little Dog
- New Year’s Carol
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- Old Abram Brown
- Old Jim Slack’s Grey Horse
- Old Man
- Old Woman and the Peddler
- Oliver Cromwell
- One Misty Moisty Morning
- Pleasant and Delightful
- Push the Business On
- Riddle
- Ring Around the Rosie / Ring a Ring of Roses
- Robin-a-Thrush
- Rock a Bye Baby
- Rock a Bye Baby (Thy Cradle is Green)
- Rolling Home
- Round and Round the Earth is Turning
- Scarborough Fair
- Sir Eglamore
- Somerset Wassail
- Song of the Watch
- Soul Cake
- Paul’s Steeple
- Strawberry Girl
- Sussex Carol
- Sweet Nightingale
- Tailor and the Mouse
- There Came to My Window
- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
- Turn Again Whittington
- Twankydillo
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Twelve Days of Christmas
- Two Pigeons
- Virgin Most Pure
- Vive la Compagnie
- Wallflowers
- Warm Your Hands
- Wassail Song
- Weather
- We Are Two or Three Good Hearty Lads
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- What Child is This
- White Sand and Grey Sand