(Traditional chant from England)
To choose who will be “It”
Ippa dippa dation
My operation
How many people at the station?
[Someone says a number between 1 and 10.]
The one who gets to number ____ [say same number]
Will surely be it!
1… [count up to same number]
To choose who will be “out”
Ippa dippa dation
My operation
How many people at the station?
[Someone says a number between 1 and 10.]
The one who gets to number ____ [say same number]
Will surely not be it!
1… [count up to same number]
Formation: Students stand in a circle with a student who is “It” in the middle.
“It” points to each person on the steady beat.
Optional: Students put two fists out in front, and “It” points to fists.
- PDF of chant