- A Morning Hymn
- Alleluia
- Amazing Grace
- Beautiful Isle of Somewhere
- Behold Behold
- B-I-B-L-E
- Bonse aba
- Bright Morning Star
- By the Waters of Babylon
- Calon Lân
- Come Let Us Gather
- Done Found My Lost Sheep
- Evening Prayer
- Famba Naye
- Father Abraham
- For Health and Strength
- For Thy Gracious Blessing
- Garai pano
- Give Me Oil in My Lamp
- God Save America
- Here is the Church
- Hine e Hine
- Ho Ho Ho Hosanna
- Hört ihr Herrn und lasst euch sagen
- Hosanna
- How Can I Keep from Singing
- I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
- I Bind Unto Myself Today (St. Patrick’s Breastplate)
- I’ve Got the Joy Joy Joy
- Jesus Loves Me
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- Little Moses
- Lord is My Shepherd
- Love, Love
- Mariner’s Hymn
- Mizpah
- Non nobis, Domine
- Peace Like a River
- Praise Him, All You Little Children
- Rise and Shine (Arky Arky)
- Rock Island Line
- Sanctus
- Shine Like a Star in the Morning
- Silver and Gold Have I None
- Song of Praise
- Tallis’ Canon
- Tell Me Why
- Thanksgiving Song2
- Tribal Prayer
- Twelve Apostles
- Twelve Gates To The City
- Utima Wange
- We Thank Thee
- Who did Swallow Jonah
- Wise Man Built His House
- Zacchaeus
See also
- Subjects: African American Spirituals / positive message / religions
- Holidays: Easter / St. Patrick’s Day / Christmas