I Don’t Care if the Rain Comes Down
Lyrics (American folk song) I don’t care if the rain comes down, I’m gonna dance all day,I don’t care if the rain comes down, I’m gonna dance all day,Hey hey, carry me away, I’m gonna dance all day,Hey hey, carry ...
Listen Listen Here I Come
Lyrics (Folk song) Listen listen here I comeSomeone special gets the drum Circle Game Formation – Students sit in a circle. One student is “It.” As students sing, “It” walks outside the circle pointing to each student on the beat. ...
A B C Die Katze lief im Schnee
Lyrics – German (German folk song) A, B, C, die Katze lief im Schnee.Und als nach Haus sie wieder kam,da hat sie weiße Stiefel an.Oh jemine, oh jemine,Die Katze lief im Schnee. A, B, C, die Katze lief zur Höh‘!Sie ...
Purple Stew
Lyrics (Folk song) We’re making a purple stew,Whip whip whip whip,Making a purple stew,Shoobie doobie doo. With purple potatoes,And purple tomatoes,And YOU in our purple stew! Motions Line 1 = Pretend to stir soup Line 2 = Shake hips and ...
Everybody’s Welcome
Lyrics (American folk song) Everybody’s welcome, yes, yes, welcome!Everybody’s welcome, come along and go. Oh glory, hallelujah!Oh glory come along and go. Recorder Notes D, E, G, A, B, D’ See also Subjects: welcome / names Activities: motions Harmony: Orff arrangements / ...
Tao Tao Po
Lyrics – Tagalog (folk song from the Philippines) Tao tao po mabahay na batobuksan ang bintana tayo’y magpandanggokung walang gitara kahit na bilaomakita po lamang ang dalaga ninyo.Dalaga po ninyo ayaw magpaligawpumasok sa kwarto nagsakit-sakitantinanong ng ina kung ano ang ...
Info The Pamulinawen is a song named for a woman with a hardened heart. It is now also a festival in Laoag, the capital city of Ilocos Norte, Philippines. It takes place in the first week of February and celebrates its ...
Song of the Snowflakes
Info Song of the Snowflakes was performed by Molly Pomona, a basket weaver of the Mono Tribe in North Folk, California (USA). It was recorded by Albert Pietroforte in 1959. Lyrics (Native American folk song – Mono Tribe) Ta nitsi na ...
Little White Daisies
Lyrics (African American folk song) 1. (Person 1) is her first name, first name, first name(Person 1) is her first name among the little white daisies. 2. (Person 1) is her second name… 3. (Person 2) is his first name… ...
Vindum vindum vefjum band
Lyrics – Icelandic (Folk song from Iceland) Vindum, vindum, vefjum band,vefjum fallegt húfuband,fyrir Önnu höfuð hneigja,fyrir Önnu hné sín beygja.Svo skal Anna snúa sér. English Translation – Wind, wind, weave a string Wind, wind, weave a string,weave a beautiful hat,for ...