Songs with Animals
- I Took a Walk to Town One Day
- Student Copies
- 3 Paper Xylophone Printables
- Häschen in der Grube
- English Version
- Melody Visuals
Songs with So-Mi
- Who’s That Tapping at the Window
- Student Copies (in C and G)
- 2 Orff Arrangements
- Adapted Version for Solo Singing
- Spring’s Message
- Rhythm Visuals
- Orff Arrangement
- Student Copies
- Duet – Student Copies
- Kuckuck, Kuckuck – German version
- Rain, Rain
- Melody Visuals
- Rhythm & Melody Handout
- Orff Arrangement
- Student Copies (in C and G)
Rhythm – Identifying Notes & Rests
- Rhythm Cards
- Name the Notes & Rests – 2 Worksheets / Assessments