African Folk Songs
- Take Time in Life (Liberia)
- Orff arrangement
- Rhythm Visuals
- Eh Soon Boo Kawaya (Nigeria)
- Orff arrangement
- Rhythm Visual
- Obwisana (Ghana)
- Stone-passing game
- Orff arrangement
Asian Folk Songs
- “Yang Ge” Fan Dance (China)
- Song of the Dragon (China)
- Lesson ideas – Rhythm: Half notes
- Orff arrangement
- Recorder parts (notes E,G,A,C’)
- Student copies
- Melody Visuals
- Gong Xi Gong Xi (China)
- Lesson ideas – Melody | Rhythm: half notes | dotted quarter, eighth note pattern
- English lyrics
- Rhythm Visuals
- Hato Popo (Japan)
- Adapted version for recorders (notes G,A,B,D’)
- Orff arrangement
- Student copies
- Songaji (Korea)
- English version
- Lesson ideas – Rhythm: long sounds (whole & half notes)
- 2 Orff arrangements
- Balonku (Indonesia)
- 2 English versions
- Lesson ideas – Voices | Rhythm: quarter rests
- Visuals
- Se Se Se (Japan)
- Motions
- 2 versions