- Game
- Lesson ideas – Melody – mi-so | do-mi-so | recorder notes G,A,B,C,D’
- Student copies
- Melody & Solfege visuals
- 2 Orff arrangements
- Melody performance rubric
Zulu Warrior
- 2 versions
- Form AB
- Lesson ideas
- Rhythm: steady beat | sixteenth-eighth pattern, eighth & quarter notes
- Melody – Minor vs. Major
- Harmony – round
- Rhythm Visuals
- Orff arrangement
Big Rock Candy Mountain
- Lesson ideas – Rhythm: quarter & eighth notes
- Rhythm Visuals
Sailing in the Boat
- 3 versions
- Lesson ideas – Melody: High & Low
- Recorders
- Low D & low D
- Student copies
- Melody Visuals
- Orff arrangement
- Rhythm Visuals
Funga Alafia
- Orff arrangement
- Student copies
- Rhythm Visuals
Yoo Hoo
- Lesson ideas – Melody: So-mi | Up & down | Recorder notes E & C – with C’ descant | G,A,B,C,D’
- Melody Visuals
- Student copies
- 2 Orff arrangements
Good News
- Lesson ideas – Rhythm: whole note | Dynamics: crescendo
- Crescendo Visual
- Orff arrangement
- Recorder duet
- Student copies