Each lesson is 30 minutes long.
Lesson 1
- Opening Song
- School Song (orAmerican patriotic song) – pat steady beat while singing
- Rules/Announcements (Seefirst day of school)
- Friendship Song/ Song with Positive Message
Lesson 2
- Opening Song
- Hoop Rhythms– add body percussion (snap, clap, pat, stamp)
- Play rock beat on keyboard
- Students take turns by standing in one hoop at a time while students do the appropriate body percussion: 8 beats in each hoop. I say, “switch” at about beat 6 to help the student know when to go to a different hoop.
- Ama Lama
- Teacher sing each line twice, then they do 4 hoops as an interlude between lines (8 beats each) – keep changing student leaders.
More lessons available below.
- 4th grade Rhythm / Jazz Lessons (#1-18)

4 thoughts on “4th Grade Rhythm Lessons”
Thank you for your blog! Full of great ideas and resources.
Marley Mozart…
Hi. I just want to thank you for this amazing site. It is extremely helpful. I also just wanted to know how many pupils do you have in a class at a time?
Thank you for the compliment, Jolandi! I usually have between 20 and 30 students at a time.
I agree with jolandi. it is very helpful! I use this website for not only my children, but my students too!