Lyrics - Dutch
(Folk song from The Netherlands)
De kop van de kat was jarig
en zijn pootjes vierden feest
het staartje kon niet meedoen
want dat was pas ziek geweest
Hij kwam net uit het ziekenhuis
en had zo’n pijn in zijn keel
Want al dat dansen en dat springen
werd hem veel te veel.
English Translation – The head of the cat
The cat’s head had a birthday,
his paws were celebrating,
the tail could not participate,
because it had just been sick
He just came out of the hospital
and had such a pain in his throat
Because all that dancing and that jumping
became way too much for him.
See also
- Country: Netherlands
- Subjects: birthdays / cats
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 4
- Scale: hexachord
- Tones: drmfsl
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody