(Traditional chant)
Two fat gentlemen met in a lane,
Bowed most politely, bowed once again.
How do you do? How do you do?
How do you do again?
Two thin ladies met in a lane…
Two tall policemen met in a lane…
Two little schoolboys met in a lane…
Two little babies met in a lane…
Line 1 – Hold fists with thumbs up.
Line 2 – Bend one thumb, then the other.
Line 3 – Wiggle one thumb, then the other.
Line 4 – Wiggle both thumbs.
See also
- Subject: nursery rhymes
- Activities: motions
- Timbre: chants
- Source: Round and Round the Garden and Other Action Songs, Caroline Repchuk, Parragon, 2000
- PDF of chant