2nd Grade Rhythm Lessons

Lesson ideas-222

Each lesson is 30 minutes long.

Lesson 1 - Introduction

Lesson 2 - Rhythm

  • Opening Song – Hello There
    • Review song
    • Interlude after singing each time: One student plays drum on beat, then says name and plays rhythm of name. Class echoes with clapping.
    • Take turns.
  • Muncha Muncha Muncha  (more rhythm activities)
    • Read book.
    • Show rhythm visuals. I say patterns, they echo and clap.
  • Walk and Stop – with “bubbles” – add different locomotor movements.

More lessons available below.

  • 2nd grade Rhythm Lessons #1-20 (PDF)

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2 thoughts on “2nd Grade Rhythm Lessons”

  1. Sophia Grigoriadis

    Beth – I love your material, and right now I’m looking to enhancing my lessons with some of your ideas. I feel a bit foolish asking this – I see that the lessons for Rhythm and Melody are offered sequentially, under their own separate categories. As I tend to incorporate a bit of everything in my lessons, some rhythm work, singing, movement, etc, where children are experiencing several aspects of music, I’m now wondering if I should be concentrating on only one element per lesson as is suggested above? Would you recommend that we use your lessons as they are presented or can they by incorporated with other elements (like melody, etc)?

    Thanks – I very much appreciate your generosity and experience!

    1. Sophia, good question! (Don’t ever feel foolish asking me something!) Absolutely, incorporating many concepts together is a great way to organize a lesson! I guess for me, since I tend to be a more linear thinker, it helps me to highlight one concept (or group of concepts) to make sure I cover it adequately and then assess. It’s also easier to explain your plan to non-musician administrators. But, of course, making music really integrates several concepts at once. So, if it makes sense to you to teach a bit of everything together, then go for it! 🙂

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