
Quick as a Cricket

Lesson ideas I love this book! I like to read each page, and then the children act it out (they can add bubbles). Sometimes I play the piano while they move; I improvise different styles to fit the words. If ...

Beat vs. No Beat

Lesson ideas Play keyboard examples of songs with an obvious steady beat (i.e. march) and long, sustained tones for examples with “no beat.” Or… play recordings while students circle “beat” or “no beat.” For songs with an obvious steady beat, ...

Round and Round the Garden

Lyrics (Folk song) Round and round the gardenLike a teddy bear.One step, two steps,Tickle you under there. (or Tickle you right there.) Round and round the haystackWent the little mouse.One step, two stepsIn this little house. Motions Do motions of ...

Dance Thumbkin Dance

Lyrics (Folk song) 1. Dance Thumbkin, danceDance Thumbkin, danceThumbkin cannot dance alone,So dance, you merry men, every one,Dance Thumbkin, dance 2. Dance Pointer, dance…3. Dance Tallman, dance…4. Dance Ringman, dance…5. Dance Pinky, dance… See also Subject: body parts Activities: motions ...

I Hear Thunder

Lyrics (French folk song) I hear thunder, I hear thunder,Oh don’t you? Oh don’t you?Pitter patter raindrops, Pitter patter raindrops,I’m wet through, I’m wet through. I see blue skies, I see blue skiesWay up high, Way up high,Hurry up the ...

Let Everyone Clap Hands Like Me

Lyrics (Folk song) Let everyone clap hands like me! (clap clap)Let everyone clap hands like me! (clap clap)Come on and join into the game.You’ll find that it’s always the same. (clap clap) Motions Do motions of the lyrics. Add other ...

Five Big Dump Trucks

Lyrics (Folk song) Five big dump trucks rolling down the road.Five big dump trucks rolling down the road.One pulls out to unload.Four big dump trucks rolling down the road. Four big dump trucks… Three big dump trucks… Two big dump ...

My Big Bass Drum

Lyrics (M. Edith Reynolds, 1914) Have you seen my big bass drum? Boom! boom! boom!A rub-a-dub-dub, A rub-a-dub-dub, Boom! boom! boom!As I go marching up the street, Wearing my uniform so neat,My drum and I are hard to beat! Boom! ...

1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive

Lyrics (Folk song) One, two, three, four, five,Once I caught a fish alive,Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go?Because it bit my finger so.Which finger did it bite?This little finger on ...

Ring Around the Rosie

Version 1 Lyrics Ring around the rosie,A pocketful of posies,Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. Version 2 Lyrics Ring a ring of roses,A pocketful of posies,One, two, three, four,We all tumble down. Movement Children hold hands and walk in a ...
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