Lyrics (Folk song) Blue bird, blue bird through my window (repeat twice)Oh, Johnny aren’t you tired? Take a little girl [boy] and tap her [him] on the shoulder, (repeat twice)Oh, Johnny aren’t you tired? Circle Game Formation: Students stand in a ...
I use the term: “bubbles” to describe when students use personal space. We pretend to turn on our bubbles around our bodies by snapping above our heads. When I play music or sing, students may move around the room with ...
Wolf (We are Dancing in the Forest)
Lyrics (Folk song) We are dancing in the forestAnd the wolf is far away.Who knows what will happen to usIf he finds us at our play? Game Formation: One student is “wolf” (“It”) and stands facing the corner. The rest ...
Voices – Resources
Songs / Chants that use at least 2 different types of voices A My Name is Alice Al pavo pavito Alligator Chant Allison’s Camel Alphabet Poem Amina Tolé Baby Bumblebee Balonku ada lima Betty Botter Bo Bo Ski Watten Tatten ...
Visuals / Worksheet / Assessment (See download at bottom of page.) Lesson Ideas For Pre-K / Kindergarten, you can teach a few lessons on Celebrations since they often include music and other recognizable sounds. Ideas: Discuss what “celebration” means. “Special ...
Five Fat Turkeys
Lyrics (Folk song) Five fat turkeys are weWe slept all night in a treeWhen the cook came around, we couldn’t be foundAnd that’s why we’re here you see! Recorder Notes D, G, A, B, C, D’ See also Subjects: counting ...
Five Little Pumpkins
Lyrics (Traditional chant) Five little pumpkins Sitting on a gateThe first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late!”The second one said, “Let’s dance, let’s prance,The third one said, “Now is our chance!”The fourth one said, “Let’s run, run run!”The fifth ...
Going Over the Sea
Lyrics (Canadian folk song) When I was one I ate a bun,Going over the sea.I jumped aboard the sailorman’s ship,The sailorman said to me:“Going over, going under,Stand at attention like a soldierWith a one, two, three! When I was two ...
My Father is a Garbage Man
Lyrics (Folk song) 1. My father is a garbage man, a garbage man, a garbage man,My father is a garbage man,And it goes something like this:“pee-u!” (spoken with an exaggerated singing voice) 2. My mother is a baker…and it goes ...